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Magical Nostalgia through Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

If you are a 90s kid, odds are, it is likely you grew up with the Harry Potter franchise. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/harry-potter-hogwarts-mys/lccnicplgjaeocinbihlkjobkgpbkfbj of the franchise resulted in an incredible number of fans around the world, both old and young. The Wizarding World franchise not only produced a billion dollar movie series, it also resulted in other developments like theme parks, spin-offs, and of course, video games. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is a role playing video game that is a part of the franchise and is one of its newer products.

Should I use the internet to play Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is a casual role playing game. Unfortunately, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is not a social game where you can simultaneously play with your friends. Connecting to the internet is still necessary to play the game. Luckily, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is the kind of game that always has interesting things up its sleeve. Even the developer Jam City hinted at this!

Do I need to pay to be able to play Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery?

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is originally a mobile game which can be found on both Google Play Store and the App Store. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is a free to play game. Though there are things in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery that can be bought using real cash. They are called microtransactions and they give players the chance to instantly improve something in their game. Players of Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery can purchase in-game items and ‘energy’. Players totally have the liberty to disable in-app purchases by tweaking their settings.

How can I play Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

In Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, you will become a Hogwarts students and do all the lessons that a Hogwarts student must learn like spells and duelling. For a player to finish a task, they have to have adequate ‘energy’.

Can I play Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery without using ‘energy’?

In the game, ‘energy’ is comparable to your health bar. ’Energy’ is not finite. Every task has a corresponding energy requirement. There is an initial limit in a player’s maximum stored energy, but it can be increased. To recover your energy, apart from waiting, you may also choose to do some minor missions like tapping on items, watching a 30 second ad, levelling up, or just outright buying energy through real time currency.

What is Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery’s ending?

The part playing style of Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is that there is a definite story line in the game which is set before the actual events of the Harry Potter book. The players themselves are involved with this story and will be the main one to eventually unearth it. Currently, your character’s journey is until the fourth year in Hogwarts but what is nice about the game is its constantly new content.
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